Hump Day.. It sure felt more like a Monday today..
We stayed busier than we have been the week that I have been here.
Not alot to report today..
I got up about 615.. off my richety bunk bed.. seriously.. it feels soo richety when I am on it.. LOL I slept so hard last night that I didn't wake up before my alarm.. which is unusual. I woke up to my alarm.. which startled me.. lol
The O4 below me and myself.. we sleep with our 9Ms under our pillow... startling us is not a good thing.. LMAO
Anyhow, I do have to say I like being 5 min from work and being able to eat every meal at my desk.. I do enjoy staying in the DFAC or outside for lunch occassionally.. but usually we are soo busy.. after 700 turnover.. i go down and get breakfast.. bring it up to eat.. I generally skip lunch (just am not hungry by then.. but will snack on a bagel or something) and then for dinner.. i go down and get a togo plate too.
I forgot to tell you.. Night before last.. Lobster Tail and Prime Rib for main meal (of course they always have alternatives..) tonight was Mongolian night.. Its funny.. eating at the DFAC is like eating at one of those cheap buffets... Its good food.. All you can eat.. all you can eat dessert - including an ice cream bar - and drinks.. gatorades.. energy drinks.. soda. punch.. water.. whatever you want.. whenever..
we do not pay for any food here nor do we have any fast food places here.. there would be no where for them to go.. lol
Anyhow, so can't complain about the food.. :)
It rained here today for a short time.. which is a rarity I guess.. but its okay.. it wasnt bad, only for a few and I didn't spend much time outside today anyhow!! lol
The day has flown by for me today.. I am a bit tired.. I guess it doesn't help that I stayed up til after midnight watching Up in the Air on my laptop. It is soo nice to be settled in to my room and I now have bet both my roommates and they are both cool.. no drama.. no prisses.. PLUS they leave in a month! :) So I will have the room to myself.. long enough to rearrange it and take my pick of the bed! :)
I will be posting pics tonight of some things from our base. Our exchange... is literally a trailer.. yes.. and our rooms.. are RLBs.. they look like big trailers.. made into rooms.. you will see.. its hard to explain.. and Im not talking about house trailers.. Im talking about shipping containers.. trailers.. lol
Okay.. enough for now.. another safe day.. another day down.. counting my blessing and appreciating the love and support from everyone..
BTW - I had 2 letters when i got here.. thats it.. people in my office are getting packages everyday.. lol (hint hint)
:) Thank you everyone, seriously, for your support tho, okay!! Love to all!!! Pics are up on FB.
More tomorrow
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