Well one full day down... and its just the beginning.. :) I have officially checked in and received my email address.. tanya.r.zinn@afghan.swa.army.mil for those interested.
I have a few things about today. I was kinda rushed and think I left out a few things... about yesterday, so as I remember them, I will include them in my blogs..
As far as today goes.. I had to go outside the wires today... walking... Mind you, we are SMACK in the middle of Kabul.. We are in the heart of the city. So my boss and I put on our battle rattle and had to go across the way (only a few blocks, crossing the busiest intersection in Kabul, to get my Badge..) Yes.. I know.. sounds crazy, but let me tell you, it was even crazier to do it. According to my boss - he has to go over about once a week..
Anyhow, okay, so we gear up, and start heading to our gate.. I actually load my 9 MM and ensure there is a bullet in the chamber.. yes.. locked, cocked, and ready to be rocked (only the safety on).. and then we walk out of our compound. Our security holds traffic for us on our side (yes.. only 2 of us.. but they hold traffic..) I'm sure that pisses off the afghans whom, already most of them hate us, I'm sure.. And we begin our couple block journey to safety.. lol
He walks ahead, leading the way.. and I am behind him.. hand on my weapon, ready to pull.. and as we walk the sidewalk.. I end up with one afghan guy on my port bow.. lol yea I said it.. port bow... about 30 degrees to my left side about and seriously within touching distance.. (30 degrees to port basically... and then one behind him.. about 20 meters and off my 210 (for those of you familiar with ship terminology - you can visualize.. ) just behind me in my perifial vision.. yeah.. here I am, literally surrounded by 2 Afghans.. and who knows.. they could be the two that hate us most and see a small American.. thinking they can take her.. lol... YES a million different thoughts ran thru my mind.. from my self defense methods I learned in Camp Virginia, to hey.. I have a loaded 9M.. with my hand on it.. It was definitely scary. Now - in defense of my boss.. he could see me and the front guy in his perifial vision.. but he had to watch the front.. as well.. so - we were both taking up the 360 trying to maintain our safety.. Now - no, its not like there are Afghani's running around with machine guns 24/7 trying to kill every american military they see... but in some places.. they would!
We are fortunate that we are in the heart of the city with several compounds around us.. we would demolish anyone for trying to attack us going from compound to compound..
It also helps that we have the American Embassy just down the road too.. YES - today, I was on US Soil.. :) I walked around the Embassy to see what it looked like.. pretty interesting.. not to mention, they have a pool.. mmhmmm.. they have solid building barracks that look 100 times better than ours.. for that matter.
Anyhow, We got my badge and toured around the compounds, in all the shops, before gearing back up to head back to NKC.. the way back.. was kinda sucky.. as we were walking down the side walk.. i got caught on the razor blade barbed wire (just caught on my uniform momentarily) BUT.. you don't want to be caught for anymore time than necessary to expeditiously walk back inside the safety of the compound! You don't stop for anything!! so.. that was a freaky few seconds.. unhooking myself.. but.. that few seconds.. felt like minutes.. LOL.. maybe overreacting.. but, you never know who is out there, watching and waiting to pounce!
BUT alas, we made it back safely.. mission accomplished..
I could really never go back outside the compound and be okay with that.. :)
That was about the most exciting thing that happened today.. Oh besides talking to Don.. He is at a camp not far from me.. so I may actually get to visit with him during his tour (since his is shorter than mine). <------ TOUR TIME, DON... TOUR TIME.. :) LMAO
I did look at the schedule today, looks like I will work days all next week 0700-1900 and then start nights the following week 2200-1000 - with Fridays off. :)
Thats it. Thats what my year will be like. The good part is that I will be on the same cycle/schedule as the kids..
Now, I am sitting at the USO - on my laptop - enjoying the down time, and trying to get photos uploaded. :)
Will write more later as I get a chance! Thank you to all who follow me in my journey.. it definitely helps! More later..
Geez sis.... i pray you have the most boring tour a soldier could possibly have, please stay safe, i love you!