Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, 5 June 2010

I feel weird about putting the date as the 5th - because by the time I lay down and write, it is usually about 2 am the following day.. so I feel like i am lying to you all.. LOL
Its okay - I know you get it.
So, first off.. today.. well, I slept in til about 2 pm. yea. I know.. crazy..BUT (and this is a big BUT.. (not I didn't fall asleep until about 7 am this morning ( Thanks to John Manning - the author of The Killing Room. It was a good mystery - for those of you that like them.. and I could NOT sleep this morning, til I finished it!). My body and mind are not yet used to the working til 12 or 2 am (like last night) and then trying to go right to bed.
Yes, last night.. long night.. this morning, I mean, this afternoon I woke up at 2 and felt like I had slept my whole day away.. (which really, I had). I was disappointed because I did want to hit the pool again, so I am making an effort to atleast sleep by 4 - so that I can get up by 11 and go to the pool for atleast an hour.
Tonight was a slow night.. (altho 1 is not good.. and too many) we were fairly slow until one of our systems went down.. and of course it came back up about 10 minutes before our shift ended which guessed it.. staying late to get the inputs in.. but atleast tonight wasn't as bad as last night.. we were only there about an extra 1/2 hour, but I have to tell you.. sometimes even that 1/2 hour is torture.. anyone who has ever stood watch on the ship (or anywhere for that matter) towards then end of your watch - you are anticipating the end.. and can't wait.. then, you find out your relief was still asleep.. and you end up an extra 15-30 minutes.. It sucks.. yes, you know the feeling.. and granite, I am not on a ship, but - I am in a building with no windows.. and today.. no AC in our office, sitting there, waiting, and that is my day. My normal day (which would be when I am usually home from work (in SD) is completely taken by this. I am not sure I like these hours.. and from what I understand.. it will be 12 hours shifts for me there in Afghanistan. Not so sure I'm liking that schedule much.. I don't get to do anything that happens in normal business hours (unless I choose to lose sleep..) Especially once there - when I work the midnight to noon shift.. I will sleep the day away.. atleast here.. I probably could (if I got in the routine) get to sleep by 1 or 2 and get up about 7 or 8 and still have a full 6-7 hours to do stuff.. but here, its too damn hot to do anything in the day anyhow.. Its much better to wait til after 6pm.. but.. I'm working.. and everything (on my side of the base) closes at 11 or 12.. so, by the time I'm off.. its all over anyways..
Okay.. I know.. I'm just bitchin.. I've only been here a few days - but, the reality is I am seeing exactly what they talk about in training - the whole Ground Hog Day affect.. the cyclic routine that just never ends.. and yes.. I think I need a day off.. LMAO..
Yes.. I do. Its been about 10 days atleast, I think, since I have had a day off.. day to myself.. and I need one. I am taking Tuesday, but if I had thought about it, I should've taken tonight off.. and Tuesday (they get 2 days a week off here.. (not in a row) but two days is two days.. Owell.. I will suffer til Tuesday. I think my boss in Afghan said I will atleast get 1 day off.. maybe 1 and a half.. who knows.. how the hell do you do a half day when you are working 12s anyhow? errghh..
I am definitely ready to just get there.. and get the routine.. whatever groundhog cycle it may be.. it will be easier to get in the right frame of mind.. once I am there.. Again, this is valuable training, but I have been living out of a seabag for almost a month and I am ready to get settled somewhere and UNPACK.. AND not have to use a flashlight to find socks or Tshirts (since the lights are never on in this barracks).. Oh yea, did I forget to tell you that.. yes.. the lights go off at 2200 (I am at work) and do NOT come on until 1500 (I am leaving for work).. so I only see this room and my stuff.. IN THE DARK with a damn flashlight.. AS you can see I am a little spunky tonight.. I am kinda wound up.. not really tired.. but, doesn't matter - its soo late.. there's nothing to do besides watch a movie.
I did call home tonight. Bought a phone card for 22 bucks.. thought it would only be 146 minutes (for Overseas calls to states) BUT found out when I called I get the state to state rate (because of how the phones are set up here) so I ended up with a card that has 550 minutes! woohoo.. I was happy about that.. spent about 40 minutes talking to my mom and then another 30 talking to the kids and dad telling everyone goodnight.. poor guys.. they had just put in Wolfman to watch.. ended up having to pause it for about an hour to talk to me. BUT alot going on at home today, they got the carpet shampooed, the A/C was finally installed, the jacuzzi is getting fixed and the landscapers are fixing the sprinklers.. I told my dad he was superman today.. (altho he can't take the credit.. he didn't do any of it.. LMAO) but don't tell him I said that.. lol.. right now he is the man of the house.. lol have to boost his ego.. Anyhow, glad to hear all the things that needed to get done at home are being taken care of and they have less to worry about. The kids are almost done for the school year.. about 2 more weeks.. altho they will miss the last day in order to fly to Mississippi, but I don't think they mind. Besides, the last day is usually the BS (sign my yearbook) day.. lol
Okay, I think that about sums up my day/night.. Oh... (I know I am A.D.D. sometimes.. bare with me..) the DFAC.. so.. free food.. a plus.. but we get our dinner in a to go box and half to walk 15 min back to work, and by the time i get here, the fries are soggy.. yuck.. last night was mongolian night.. very good.. (altho they forgot to put my noodles in..) and tonight was pizza.. I was looking forward to it.. but.. got there and saw the pizza and yet again, had another burger.. its getting old. .lol he plusses: FREE baskin and robbins ice cream. Free everything, chips, food, snacks, gum, gatorade.. you name it.. all the snacks, food, sweets.. just laid out for you.. it is kinda cool. I've always been in a galley where they give you small portions and decline if you ask for more.. these guys will over load you with food.. and still offer more.. I will definitely be spending alot of time at the GYM.. and am restarting/resuming my P90X when I get to Afghanistan. DEFINITELY. Okay.. enough for now.. want to watch a movie then try to sleep.. want to make it to the pool tomorrow morning.. :)
More tomorrow.

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