Today was weapons issue. I am posting pics with this one.. woohoo..
We started off the morning at about 0430 (half the girls are in a different company and have to get up earlier than us...) (I got to sleep til 5. :) We headed to the grinder for out Physical Assessment today - which just consisted of a few Army streches and warm ups... then a 1 mile run. Mine was slow this morning... 10:02. Yeah.. I know I know.. but, I passed so its all good. Following that my 1st battle buddy (I have 2: Kahja ( I met her in San Diego at NMPS & Michelle - we met here and are in the same company, platoon, & squad.. so we do everything together basically) - well Kahja fell out after the run due to shin splints and I had to go with her to medical. Then I caught up with the platoon to march to breakfast. We went straight from PT to the chow hall.. (YUCK!!) I hope to never do that again.. Anyhow, after breakfast we had 1/2 hour to shower and be in he classroom. We went directly to weapons issue and I received an M4 and 9MM. Most people got the M16 and 9MM.. I was lucky. The M4 is a little shorter butt and makes it easier for me to shoot. Last time I tried to shoot the M16 - they had to switch me becuase my arms just weren't long enough!! LOL
Anyhow, so now I have an M4 and 9MM to keep with me 24/7. Today we learned how to take the M16's/M4s apart completely to clean them.. it was pretty neat and it seemed pretty easy. Michelle and I both are going to practice tonight.. just becuase. Okay.. and well.. its like putting legos together.. lol - we enjoyed it! :)
After that we spent most of the day in the classroom (even had out bag lunch sent to us.. becuase they wanted us to remain in the classroom for hours of safety training - they call that type of lunch "Bag Nasty" LOL - ARMY term.. not ours..lol) It wasnt bad tho.. a form of a sub sandwhich with cheetos and M&Ms. :)
I did spend most of the morning after breakfast with a headache. I can only assume I was probably a little dehydrated. I was drinking plenty of water.. but it is
humid and hot here, so I assume I wasn't drinking enough. We were all issued cool ACU camel backs yesterday - and I emptied mine today, but it wasn't enough. So.. lesson learned for me. I need more water and definitely more electrolytes.
Anyhow, we were actually done with training early (about 1600 or so) and will start out weapons watch tonight at 2100. Basically that means we will have to be on "watch" for an hour and count all M16/M4/9MM hanging on the ends of the racks throughout the night for weapons accountability. BUT the cool thing is- the ARMY doesn't care about uniforms.. we can be in PT gear for this watch. So when it is my time, I can bet I will do my (1 round required to count) and then be able to be online - the only requirement for the watch is - 1 round per watch to count weapons and stay awake. :) NOT LIKE A SHIPBOARD WATCH!! But I am not complaining!! :) I am very happy that we can be in PT gear - it will make life easier since we mostly sleep in out PT gear anyhow (its cold in our open berthing at night).
So - I got out of training, called and talked to my "mommy" for a while and will call and talk to the kids after their "homework" time. I talk to them atleast twice a day. They seem to be doing okay and it gets easier each day. I had to ensure Tylor that I am doing okay over here.. as he assures me "I am doing okay down here" Its very cute! I give reminders to Travis to stop resisting - and life will be much easier. He sometimes believes (okay.. almost always) that he doesn't need their supervision.. but I explain that is EXACTLY why he needs them. I know he is angry over alot of things, but remind him to let it go. Be a good boy and life will be simple and fun. As far as Katrina - she is trying to be the strong one for the boys. Trying to console the boys and putting her sadness aside for them. I have to remind her that she can grieve too.. Its okay. Not to hold it in, but to remember that it gets easier in time and the busier she stays! Speaking of busy, she is in cheerleading workshops this week - and will be trying out for JV or Varsity Cheer on Friday. Good luck to my baby!! :) She has a lot going on getting ready for the pageant and possibly cheer - but it will keep her busy and social and will help her pass the time with me away! :)
As for me, I am laying on my rack typing this up. The barracks is pretty empty right now, the other company is still in training so its pretty quiet. We have chow from 1830-1900 tonight, so I think everyone is just waiting around for that. The funny thing is, this will be the first for us all.. since we have to have both of our weapons on us - even at chow. Should be intersting. As far as after - Hopefully I will be able to watch American Idol.. in the lounge next door and then hit my rack for a good nights sleep. Even without a lot of busy work today, its tiring. But atleast I am not near as tired today as yesterday. For tomorrow.. we mainly have death by power point over on the other side of base at the Reserve Center.. that oughta be fun. So, I will sign off for now, add some pics to this and write again later. More to follow.
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